
Saturday, November 16, 2013


A new piece with a new style but the same concept. Stripped and chained. Vulnerable and hurt, nailed to reality like Jesus to his cross. There is really no chance to escape this bond. No knife could cut it, not even the cold hands of death could untangle it. There must be a way out, I just don't see it. My brain is full of adrenaline, blood pumped in my veins with high pressure, my mind lost in the fore coming seizure euphoria.
Chained to sleepless nights, drowning in fear and paranoia, all as a result of...past trauma. I wear my scars with pride.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

New blog

Hey guys ! Long time no see. No problem. I just started another blog, only to empty my bag of fury.
Go check it! Would love to see you guys there. Enjoy it! (or not). Link is below:

                   elise comenteaza