Se pare ca unul din textele mele a fost publicat de revista boema :) scroll pana la pagina 31.
Multumesc "fanilor", nu ar fi fost niciodata posibil fara voi.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Saturday, November 16, 2013

Chained to sleepless nights, drowning in fear and paranoia, all as a result of...past trauma. I wear my scars with pride.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
New blog
Hey guys ! Long time no see. No problem. I just started another blog, only to empty my bag of fury.
Go check it! Would love to see you guys there. Enjoy it! (or not). Link is below:
elise comenteaza
Go check it! Would love to see you guys there. Enjoy it! (or not). Link is below:
elise comenteaza
Monday, July 29, 2013
Hath thou ever seen such beauty one must preserve it at all costs?
Hath thou ever felt a moment so pure and eerie that it's memory would trickle upon your mind untill death?
One cannot trap or enslave such moments to his will, but one could relive them, ever so faintly and evanescent.
The story of this rose is one that goes far back in time.
The rose itself has withered,
Spreading the perfume, oh!
Of death and obliteration,
Of necrosis and athanasia.
It's memory still lives,
Lingering on paper
And in tears.
Click me, I will take you to the Rose.
Hath thou ever felt a moment so pure and eerie that it's memory would trickle upon your mind untill death?
One cannot trap or enslave such moments to his will, but one could relive them, ever so faintly and evanescent.
The story of this rose is one that goes far back in time.
The rose itself has withered,
Spreading the perfume, oh!
Of death and obliteration,
Of necrosis and athanasia.
It's memory still lives,
Lingering on paper
And in tears.
Click me, I will take you to the Rose.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Missed me?
Da, știu, în ultima
vreme nu au mai fost postări, și stiu că suferiți. Mulți dintre
voi intră zilnic sperând că s-a mai întâmplat ceva pe aici.
Aflați că nu mai sunt postări deocamdată deoarece sunt prinsă cu
niște proiecte despre care veți afla și voi imediat ce voi termina
cu ele. Deocamdată, bucurați-vă de diacriticele cu care vă veți
întâlni de acum încolo (sper).
Și cum nu am ceva frumos
să vă povestesc, așa cum v-am obișnuit, m-am gântit ca ar fi
amuzant să vă împărtășesc ce caută unii și aterizează pe
aici. Apoi, vedem noi cu ce vă mai distrez.
Buuun, așadar să
- – de ce ai căuta așa ceva pe google?! Bara aia de sus din browser este pentru scris adrese. Și treaba asta nu s-a întâmplat numai odata...
- xxx maladii – porno cu nebune?
- - ...why? Bara de la browser e pentru adrese, nu google.
- Logică, ființă, foc, apă – avem și puțină filosofie pe aici, dar acesta nu este blog pentru filosofare.
- Ce este când ai fața foarte rosie și încinsă – nu sunt medic dar presupun că o fi tensiune cerebrală, sau vreo reacție alergică.
- Ce vagin frumos are soția mea - ...O.o te cred?
- cele mai frumosse pizde – nu avem pizde pe aici.
- costume colorate latex – și mie îmi plac, dar nu am așa ceva. Nu pe blog, ci ascunse undeva in șifonier, alături de cătușe și alte jucării pentru provocat durere.
- de ce se izbesc pasarile in geamuri – pentru că probabil nu văd geamul. Sau, poate sunt masochiste și speră ca persoana de a carui geam se izbesc este astrasa de bdsm.
- de la ce distanta se vede o tigara - prea mare...
- elise fata posedata de demoni – nu sunt posedată, sunt specială. Așa mi-a spus mama.
Acum , pentru ca ați
fost așa cuminți și răbdători :
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\ /
Potato :D
Și în final, uitați un
preot ce calcă în picioare sute de ani de stiința , îi face pe
toti filosofii empiriști să se răsucească în mormânt folosind în mod eronat principiile cunoșterii prin simțuri, și se șterge la cur cu aposteriorismul kantian. Acest om ar fi în stare să
nege orice principu al fizicii si matematicii cu toată puterea
imbecilismului indus. Îl văd în stare să spună : cum să fie 2+2
= 4 ? pai ce eu vad vreun doi în natură cu înca un doi făcâd
patru? Păi, ai vedea, dar știi, nu vei gasi numerele fugind printre
boscheți precum pokemonii. Copii, nu faceți asta acasă. Defapt,
nu o faceți nicăieri! Niciodată! Și dacă nu iți fuge pământul
de sub picioare e pentru că .... eh, dar nu o să încep acum să
dau lecții de fizică aici. Eu știu, și voi știți ce se petrece,
așa că hai să îl ascultăm înca o dată pe preot cum readuce în vigoare teoria geocentrică și să ne
tragem un faceplam cu The Orbital FacePalm Cannon.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Amor et mors
Erau tineri. Erau fraieri. Erau
Iata combinatia fatala a magnificelor
elixire ce pulseaza in fiinta umana.
Ea era ca un gand egoist in miezul
verii. El era indeajuns de tanar incat sa o divinizeze.
Se incolaceau distinct sub lumina
lunii, iar corpurile lor pareau de alabastru. Parul ei pe fata lui,
bratele lui pe umerii ei, mangaindu-i pielea... nici pasiunea intensa
a tineretii nu este indeajuns de puternica pentru a rezista timpului.
Frivola, evanescenta...dispare mai repede decat viata unui fluture
impuns cu acul spre a fi pus la insectar – abia in acest moment
fatal se arata privirii pulsul unei intense vietuiri.
E o dimineata de mai.el alearga pe
trotuarul strazii principale. Cladiri trec pe langa el, si caini,
magazine de ziare, cosuri de gunoi, cersetori si tinere usoare,
copii, garduri. Trec, dar nu indeajuns de repede. Mii de impulsuri
electrice ii penetreaza venele, ii frang coastele, ii aplica tensiune
in tendoane si in creier. Sperase sa petreaca noaptea cu ea, sa o
aiba in pat cu el, sa o stranga, sa o patrunda, sa faca dragoste cu
ea. Dar de curand a aflat ca dragostea nu exista. Se temea sa
recunoasca aceasta notiune ca fiind lipsita de obiect real, dar iata
ca realul l-a lovit cu nepasare peste fata-i plina de lacrimi si
Ei erau tineri si se credeau
indragostiti. Iubirea ii orbea. Tineretea ii pacalea. Nu aveau cum sa
afle ca si amintirile se schimba cu timpul, ca dragostea nu mai este
o valoare universala, ca nu exista un “acela” ales de o forta
superioara ce iti doreste implinirea, nu exista o zdrobire mortala de
culmile extazului, nici vreo lume noua, utopica in care singura era
esti chiar tu.
Anihilarea acestei lumi in cuprinsul ei
total, la primirea unui cuvant, a unei scrisori, unei priviri, poarta
numele de tradare suprema. Nimic nu se compara cu ea. Intreaga lume
este moarta, totusi existand. Ce cauti aici? Ar trebui sa fii aerul
respirat de mii de piepturi, ploaia pe geamurile fericitilor. Ce este
realul pentru tine? Unde te-a dus disocierea ce te haituie de ani
intregi, si careia esti prea slabit ca sa ii mai rezisti?
Tocmai de aceea intri intro farmacie de
cartier...satisfactia este garantata acolo.
Stii, defapt nici nu iti doresti acest
cancer care sa-ti scotoceasca prin maruntaiele cangrenate. Nu iti
doresti demonul acela din uterul tau, nemernicul ala care se hraneste
cu viata ta. Nu ai nevoie de inca o palma, nici de lacrimi. Nu ai
nevoie de complexe. Iubirea e complet inutila, doar o secretie
mazgoasa in creier. Si dat fiindca tu esti deasupra acestui nivel,
poti sa distrugi sentimentele inainte de a fi incatusat de ele.
Trecerea timpului este inca o
absurditate de care nu ai nevoie. Privesti oamenii care sunt prea
ocupati sa te observe, jigodie. Prea ocupati cu zambetele lor.
Inca ceva, cel pe care il iubesti poate
respira si fara tine. Doare, nu? da. In ochii sai se reflecta
altineva acum. Esti, din punctul asta de vedere, un trecut ce inca
mai rasufla. Esti viitor. Esti singur. Iubirea de sine te sperie. Se
cere o schimbare completa. Cafeaua? Tot dulce. Tot mai apune soarele,
tot mai traieste vecina, tot masturbarea este eterna. Tot nu incelegi
ce s-a intamplat. Tot mai urmaresti prosteste himere.
Aparent, determinismul tau e facut
tandari. Defapt, doar speranta ta e sparta in mii de cioburi. Ai
nevoie doar de alcool, alprazolam si analgezice. Multe
analgezice...cine crede ca sufletul nu poate fi anesteziat nu a
trecut prin transcendentul chimic.
Pilulele astea sunt incantatoare cand
faci abuz de ele. Nu esti iubit? Fii altcineva. Nu poti? Exista mii
de substante ce se dau cu si fara reteta in raiul farmaceutic.
E de inteles ca inca il mai iubesti,
dar vei gasi imediat o noua iubire. In aceasta cutie de carton se
afla comprimatele filmate cu eliberare prelungita. Iubitul tau cu
nume complicat, poreclit Xanax sau Rivotril sau Prozac. Va fi mereu
acolo pentru tine. Nu te va parasi daca nu il alungi. Numele lui il
vei striga de acum noptile, mangaindu-ti pielea. El te va iubi asa
cum iti doresti, iti va da totul. Te va invata sa te iubesti, iti va
mangaia neuronii, esenta lui iti va curge prin vene. Doar sopteste-i
numele, cheama-l, si va fi al tau pentru eternitate. Lasa-l sa te
patrunda, privestte-l, simte-l prin tine si cere-i mai mult, mereu
mai mult...vei afla pasiunea, vei transpira un interminabil orgasm in
asternuturi. Iubirea asta este eterna, te asigur. Mereu te va
intelege si iti va face exact ceea ce vrei sa iti faca.
Iarna, sub cerul gri..ninge..esti
singura...vrei un capat de lume, un pod, un port, un parc...un pat.
Ai un iubit pe care nu il vede nimeni, nu il stie nimeni in afara de
tine. Nu ti-l pot lua, nu-l pot intoarce impotriva ta. Iata...cel mai
frumos secret.
Un sacrificiu din care castigi doar
eternitatea. Fara neintelegeri sau lacrimi. Te va incalzi cand vei
simti frig, te va apara de canicula, te va iubi mereu...doar .inghite
Si intradevar am fost iubita asa cum
mi-am dorit. O fericire ce nu poate fi rapita, manjita, violata.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Adevaruri si Uitare
Sunt atatea lucruri pe care as vrea sa
le spun, dar nu stiu de unde sa incep. Nu stiu nici cum sa le spun.
Nu pot cuprinde ideile in cuvinte, nici macar pentru mine. Am invatat
sa recunosc ceea ce se intampla deasupra mea, fie ca sunt idei,
amintiri din aceasta viata sau altele. Toate tablourile prin care
providenta incearca sa comunice cu mine s-au mixat iremediabil cu
imaginile propriului eu pana au ajuns sa fie o masa pastoasa de o
culoare nedefinita ce nu cred ca are nume. Ar fi poate culoarea
eternitatii, culoarea ce se afla dincolo de marginile universului, de
psihicul uman si de spiritul mizer si limitat a cei ce care ii numim
oameni. Stiti, acei trecatori de pe strada ce privesc pe langa tine
sau prin tine fara sa iti ia in seama existenta. Asta doar daca nu
cumva ai parul mov si te imbraci doar in negru zi de zi.
De obicei cand scriu ceva, pornesc de
la o idee, o imagine, un sentiment. De data aceasta nu voi face asa.
Nu am cum. Concentrandu-ma pe eternitatea la care as vrea sa ma refer
aici, culoarea ei nu imi permite sa disting in ea cea distinct. Toate
diminetile in care suna ceasul ca sa plecam la munca, pauzele, trudin
8 ore pe zi ca sa ne putem plati datoriile fata de societate, familie
si noi insine. Toate cafelele pe care le ingeram pentru efectul
stimulent, toate tigarile fumate, toate visele pierdute, toate
iubirile, nu conteaza in majoritatea momentelor. Omul se gandeste ca
este aici si acum doar sub o asemenea presiune: eu trebuie sa cumpar
cutare, eu trebuie sa platesc cutare, eu trebuie sa fac x sacrificii.
Dar existenta nu presupune doar aceasta latura vulgara pe care o
numim “realitate”.
Sufar de o boala groaznica, la fel ca
multe din fiintele cu capacitati cognitive superioare. Ma raportez
prea mult la trecut. Ce naiba, fai sa o spun pe sleau. Ma raportez
mereu la trecut. Prezentul este pentru mine ca un episod neinteresant
al unui serial. Prefer sa ma uit de mii de ori la episoadele trecute,
lasandu-le pe cele prezente sa se deruleze cum le e voia. Si stiu
prea bine ca o continua raportare la trecut impiedica evolutia.
Totusi sa fie si evolutia tot o iluzie? Deja sunt ceea ce am fost,
ceea ce ma face prezentul si ceea ce voi deveni. Toate intr-un mix
perfect, greu de perceput in intregime de ratiunea umana.
Sunt nefericita. Acelesi lucruri
gandite si razgandite, intoarse pe toate partile de mii de ori si tot
degeaba. Sunt blocata in aceasta etapa spirituala de ani intregi. Sa
imi fi atins limitele deja? Dar daca le-as fi atins, nu crezi,
cititorule, ca acest sentiment s-ar fi diminuat macar putin?
Ca sa ajung mai departe, ar trebui sa
ma impac cu cine sunt,, am fost si voi fi. Trebuie sa o iau , din
lipsa unor cuvinte mai bune, pe calea lui carpe diem.
si apropiatii mei au fost de multe ori pasivi la nevoile mele, in
schimb strainii mi-au fost de ajutor. Asta probabil pentru ca desi
toate drumurile noastre in timp si spatiu par a se asemana cu
miscarea browniana, Providenta ne scoate pe cineva in cale doar daca
vrea ca ceva sa se schimbe in noi sau in drumul nostru. Dar mantuirea
nu va veni niciodata daca avem “treburi neterminate” cu oameni pe
care i-am ranit. Fie in viata asta fie in cele trecute.
nu este bine sa ne vizitam vietile trecute, caci ele ne-ar putea
distruge prezentul. Dar...umbra lucrurilor ce-au fost suntem chiar
noi. Clipa de fata este singura care exista si tocmai de aceea este
unica, singura ce conteaza. Suntem insa supusi erorii si nu o putem
percepe ca atare deoarece notiunea de timp ne tine incatusati. Nu
vreau sa par anarhista, dar societatea, asa cum este ea in momentul
de fata si cum a fost inca de la inceputuri, distruge individul.
Probabil am inceput cu stangul drumul descoperirii. Probabil ar
trebui sa renuntam la tot ce stim si sa o luam de la capat, dar asta
nu va fi posibil cat oamenii sunt ocupati 8 ore pe zi trudind pentru
lucruri de care societatea le dicteaza ca au nevoie.
mi-a spus la un moment dat ca nu sunt pregatita sa port negru. Ca sa
porti aceasta culoare trebuie sa iti dedici viata meditatiei si
campul tau energetic trebuie sa fie in cutare fel.
tupeu. Acel om ma judeca plecand de la varsta mea si de la faptul ca
nu am citit indeajuns de mult. Am impresia ca cuvintele lui au fost :
“ orice este sub o carte pe zi, e inacceptabil”. I-am spus: “
domnule, cu tot respectul, cand vine vorba de carti- ca si de orice
altceva, de altfel - tin sa mentionez ca pun pretul pe calitate si nu
pe cantitate. Nu stiu cat ati citit dumneavoastra, dar stiu CE am
citit eu. In afara de asta, nu totul se rezuma la citit. Nu cred ca
pot trai si implini doar prin ce au spus si au simtit altii inaintea
mea. Unele lucruri trebuie sa le faci pe cont propriu. Este destul, nu
credeti, ca societatea a ajuns deja la un punct in care satula fiind
de aceeleasi materiale redigerate promoveaza noncultura, ca sa nu
spun <cacaturi> . “
apoi vorba de inelele pe care refuz sa le dau jos.
este admisibil, daca are justificare. Care este justificarea ta?”
trebuie sa ma justific in fata nimanui, dar o voi face, doar de
dragul discutiei. Aceste bijuterii nu le dau jos si nu le schimb
locul. In mod intamplator, am dobandit cate unul in fiecare moment
important al vietii mele. Fara ele nu ma simt eu. Sunt un reminder
a ceea ce a fost atunci. In ele este stocata multa energie, care ma
ajuta sa trec de zilele in care sunt secata. Vreau sa le port toata
viata si sa le dau jos abia la moarte. Sa le primeasca cineva care va
fi capabil sa le aiba in grija si sa imi simta energia. Imaginile si
cuvintele nu inseamna nimic. Acea energie in schimb, ea valoreaza
totul. Este harta inimii mele, a mintii mele, a locurilor unde am
fost, a sentimentelor ce m-au incercat, a viselor, a obsesiilor, a
vestimentatia neagra are cam acelasi rol. In aceasta culoare ma simt
protejata. O armura ce nu lasa nimic sa se apropie de mine. Este o
anomalie, stiu. Am trecut prin multe cacaturi, dar mereu m-am simtit
puternica si mereu am trecut peste ele. Mereu am fost capabila sa
percep alte energii din jurul meu. Practic a fost aceeasi discutie pe
care am avut-o de nenumarate ori cu parintii mei care nici pana in
mometul de fata nu inteleg sentimentul care mi-l da aceasta culoare,
nu cuprind sensibilitatea pe care tocmai din acest motiv am invatat
sa o ascund inca din copilarie. Le era rusine sa mearga cu mine pe
strada....vai, daca ar sti ce putere au avut cuvintele lor. Daca ar
sti cum plangeam in mine, dar nu stiu si nici nu vor sti. Aveau
impresia ca ii uram, dar nu era deloc asa. Nu i-am urat niciodata. Am
spus-o altora doar ca sa nu ma respinga si ei. Dar nu o spuneam fara
motiv. Nu “imi uram parintii” doar ca sa fiu rebela, ci pentru ca
situatia o cerea, pentru ca numite lucruri pe care mi le faceau
dureau a naibii de tare, dar mereu m-am aratat indiferenta fata de
ei. Asta pentru ca mintea mea infuentabila (si hiperperceptibila) de
copil observase ca orice sentiment puternic este cenzurat.
cate ori nu am vrut sa ma arunc in genunchi in fata lor si sa plang,
zbierand ca imi cer iertare, aratandu-le cum se hraneste regretul din
mine, amenintand ca ma devoreaza complet. De cate ori nu am vrut sa
ii cer iertare maica-mii ca am ranit-o asa rau cand m-am nascut si
din nou cand nu am devenit ceea ce vroia sa devin. Asemenea
simtaminte erau admisibile cand eram copil. Cand m-am suparat la un
moment dat pe tata nu stiu din ce motiv, cred ca aveam vreo 4 sau 5 ani, iar el amenintase ca pleaca
de acasa si imi arata cu degetul in noapte tinuturile de peste
Dunare. Cand am auzit asta, am simtit ca se frange ceva in mine. A
fost prima oara cand am simtit cum mi se sparge inima in cioburi ca de
sticla. Am tacut. Ajunsa acasa, stateam cu mama in bucatarie si dintr-o data am inceput sa plang. Inima mea de copil nu
putea sa tina in ea atata tristete si vinovatie. Am plans cu
sughituri, am plans pana am simtit ca lesin, nu puteam vorbi, nu
stiam ce sa spun, plangeam si ma uitam de la balcon la intunericul ce
acoperea toata faleza si simteam ca mi se rupe tot sufletul in
bucati. Bineinteles ca tata glumise. Si bineinteles ca a uitat de
acest episod cand am crescut. Probabil de asta a spus ce a spus...dar
eu nu am am uitat...
Friday, June 21, 2013
A fi...Tristete de Ianuarie
Credeam ca sufeream intens. Credeam ca
nu imi voi mai reveni vreodata. Reflexie roz-verde. Era ianuarie cand
ne plimbam pe malul Dunarii noi doua, si era intuneric. Dar acum, ma
ador pe “eu” de atunci. Intuiam viitorul privind estul cerului
toxic inrosit.
Nu aveam nevoie de tine atunci si nu am
nevoie de tine nici acum. As vrea sa uit portul de marmura alba si
drumul de caramida rosie, si cum te urmaream prin ninsoare. Si atunci
tindeam sa te imortalizez, dar in caietul de franceza.
Daca exista o constiinta universala a
spiritelor, cum se face ca nu ma simti? Cum se face ca nu imi
raspunzi viselor? Sunt cu tine, in camera ta, in fiecare noapte, dar
mereu vei fi al alteia.
Credeam ca sufeream intens, pana am
cazut in capcana aceea. Credeam ca nu exista durere mai mare pentru
mine, dar apoi un monstru m-a crucificat si mi-a baut tot sangele,
s-a hranit din visele si durerile mele. Tu esti doar un mucos pe
langa el. Si totusi m-ai obsedat ani intregi.
Acum, nu mai cred nimic. Sunt pregatita
oricand pentru o noua “cea mai mare durere” cu care sa o
inlocuiesc pe asta. Defapt, nu mai exista durere in lipsa
receptorilor, iar eu mi-am pierdut receptorii. S-au ars in suferinta
precum hartia in focul semineului.
Poti spune ca tot ce s-a intamplat pana
acum este facticial? Dar ar trebui sa renunti la paradigma
narativista si sa treci la metempsihoza.
Sunt vant, sunt foc, sunt apa, sunt
pamant, sunt tristete.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Din jurnal
Erau tineri. Erau fraieri. Erau
Iata combinatia fatala a magnificelor
elixire ce pulseaza in fiinta umana.
Ea era ca un gand egoist in miezul
verii. El era indeajuns de tanar incat sa o divinizeze.
Se incolaceau distinct sub lumina
lunii, iar corpurile lor pareau de alabastru. Parul ei pe fata lui,
bratele lui pe umerii ei, mangaindu-i pielea... nici pasiunea intensa
a tineretii nu este indeajuns de puternica pentru a rezista timpului.
Frivola, evanescenta...dispare mai repede decat viata unui fluture
impuns cu acul spre a fi pus la insectar – abia in acest moment
fatal se arata privirii pulsul unei intense vietuiri.
E o dimineata de mai.el alearga pe
trotuarul strazii principale. Cladiri trec pe langa el, si caini,
magazine de ziare, cosuri de gunoi, cersetori si tinere usoare,
copii, garduri. Trec, dar nu indeajuns de repede. Mii de impulsuri
electrice ii penetreaza venele, ii frang coastele, ii aplica tensiune
in tendoane si in creier. Sperase sa petreaca noaptea cu ea, sa o
aiba in pat cu el, sa o stranga, sa o patrunda, sa faca dragoste cu
ea. Dar de curand a aflat ca dragostea nu exista. Se temea sa
recunoasca aceasta notiune ca fiind lipsita de obiect real, dar iata
ca realul l-a lovit cu nepasare peste fata-i plina de lacrimi si
Ei erau tineri si se credeau
indragostiti. Iubirea ii orbea. Tineretea ii pacalea. Nu aveau cum sa
afle ca si amintirile se schimba cu timpul, ca dragostea nu mai este
o valoare universala, ca nu exista un “acela” ales de o forta
superioara ce iti doreste implinirea, nu exista o zdrobire mortala de
culmile extazului, nici vreo lume noua, utopica in care singura era
esti chiar tu.
Anihilarea acestei lumi in cuprinsul ei
total, la primirea unui cuvant, a unei scrisori, unei priviri, poarta
numele de tradare suprema. Nimic nu se compara cu ea. Intreaga lume
este moarta, totusi existand. Ce cauti aici? Ar trebui sa fii aerul
respirat de mii de piepturi, ploaia pe geamurile fericitilor. Ce este
realul pentru tine? Unde te-a dus disocierea ce te haituie de ani
intregi, si careia esti prea slabit ca sa ii mai rezisti?
Tocmai de aceea intri intro farmacie de
cartier...satisfactia este garantata acolo.
Stii, defapt nici nu iti doresti acest
cancer care sa-ti scotoceasca prin maruntaiele cangrenate. Nu iti
doresti demonul acela din uterul tau, nemernicul ala care se hraneste
cu viata ta. Nu ai nevoie de inca o palma, nici de lacrimi. Nu ai
nevoie de complexe. Iubirea e complet inutila, doar o secretie
mazgoasa in creier. Si dat fiindca tu esti deasupra acestui nivel,
poti sa distrugi sentimentele inainte de a fi incatusat de ele.
Trecerea timpului este inca o
absurditate de care nu ai nevoie. Privesti oamenii care sunt prea
ocupati sa te observe, jigodie. Prea ocupati cu zambetele lor.
Inca ceva, cel pe care il iubesti poate
respira si fara tine. Doare, nu? da. In ochii sai se reflecta
altineva acum. Esti, din punctul asta de vedere, un trecut ce inca
mai rasufla. Esti viitor. Esti singur. Iubirea de sine te sperie. Se
cere o schimbare completa. Cafeaua? Tot dulce. Tot mai apune soarele,
tot mai traieste vecina, tot masturbarea este eterna. Tot nu incelegi
ce s-a intamplat. Tot mai urmaresti prosteste himere.
Aparent, determinismul tau e facut
tandari. Defapt, doar speranta ta e sparta in mii de cioburi. Ai
nevoie doar de alcool, alprazolam si analgezice. Multe
analgezice...cine crede ca sufletul nu poate fi anesteziat nu a
trecut prin transcendentul chimic.
Pilulele astea sunt incantatoare cand
faci abuz de ele. Nu esti iubit? Fii altcineva. Nu poti? Exista mii
de substante ce se dau cu si fara reteta in raiul farmaceutic.
E de inteles ca inca il mai iubesti,
dar vei gasi imediat o noua iubire. In aceasta cutie de carton se
afla comprimatele filmate cu eliberare prelungita. Iubitul tau cu
nume complicat, poreclit Xanax sau Rivotril sau Prozac. Va fi mereu
acolo pentru tine. Nu te va parasi daca nu il alungi. Numele lui il
vei striga de acum noptile, mangaindu-ti pielea. El te va iubi asa
cum iti doresti, iti va da totul. Te va invata sa te iubesti, iti va
mangaia neuronii, esenta lui iti va curge prin vene. Doar sopteste-i
numele, cheama-l, si va fi al tau pentru eternitate. Lasa-l sa te
patrunda, privestte-l, simte-l prin tine si cere-i mai mult, mereu
mai mult...vei afla pasiunea, vei transpira un interminabil orgasm in
asternuturi. Iubirea asta este eterna, te asigur. Mereu te va
intelege si iti va face exact ceea ce vrei sa iti faca.
Iarna, sub cerul gri..ninge..esti
singura...vrei un capat de lume, un pod, un port, un parc...un pat.
Ai un iubit pe care nu il vede nimeni, nu il stie nimeni in afara de
tine. Nu ti-l pot lua, nu-l pot intoarce impotriva ta. Iata...cel mai
frumos secret.
Un sacrificiu din care castigi doar
eternitatea. Fara neintelegeri sau lacrimi. Te va incalzi cand vei
simti frig, te va apara de canicula, te va iubi mereu...doar .inghite
Si intradevar am fost iubita asa cum
mi-am dorit. O fericire ce nu poate fi rapita, manjita, violata.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
These eyes see beyond your pathetic mask.
All the sinful moments in your life lay bare before her, and her judgement shall not favor you, nor your Gods.
There is no innocence behind these doll eyes and candy hair. Pupils dilated allow you to see beyond. What will you find?
A mix of hate, pain, shame, revenge, all held in place by power of self control and Zolpidem.
All the sinful moments in your life lay bare before her, and her judgement shall not favor you, nor your Gods.
There is no innocence behind these doll eyes and candy hair. Pupils dilated allow you to see beyond. What will you find?
A mix of hate, pain, shame, revenge, all held in place by power of self control and Zolpidem.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Sfera si pustoaica
"O boala ma impiedica sa ofer macar un cuvant bland, ma invenina, ma punea in lanturi. Acest...necrofag nu ma ranea doar pe mine. Actionam prin pasivitate.
Acum stiu ce pot face cuvintele. Dar numai eu am fost afectata de puterea lor, pe termen lung. Probabil ca nu am murit atunci pentru ca nu mi-a fost ingaduit. Poate Providenta a decis ca eu sa port aceasta cantitate industriala de sensibilitate- un borcan de miere menit sa atraga cat mai multe muste.
Prietena mea imaginara din copilarie era melancolia. Imi dadea inca de pe atunci jucarii cu care sa-mi exersez psihicul: imagini, amintiti, mirosuri."
Pun pariu ca un paianjen mic, care nu fusese invitat sa se legene pe panza cu confratii sai, s-a strecurat noaptea in patul meu, mi-a taiat pielea si mi-a ascuns in inima o mingiuta mica cu tepi de metal pe suprafata-i lucioasa. Din cand in cand, se umfla cu melancolie (ca un peste balon), iar tepii imi penetreaza peretii cardiaci. Medicii mi-au spus ca sunt depresiva, eu spun ca doar am un alt tip de simtire (unul care este aratat cu un deget grosier apartinand unei brute). Dar adevarul este ca un paianjen mic, care nu fusese invitat sa se legene pe panza cu confratii sai, s-a strecurat noaptea in patul meu, mi-a taiat pielea si mi-a ascuns in inima o mingiuta mica cu tepi de metal pe suprafata-i lucioasa, care se umfla din cand in cand cu melancolie.
Pun pariu ca un paianjen mic, care nu fusese invitat sa se legene pe panza cu confratii sai, s-a strecurat noaptea in patul meu, mi-a taiat pielea si mi-a ascuns in inima o mingiuta mica cu tepi de metal pe suprafata-i lucioasa. Din cand in cand, se umfla cu melancolie (ca un peste balon), iar tepii imi penetreaza peretii cardiaci. Medicii mi-au spus ca sunt depresiva, eu spun ca doar am un alt tip de simtire (unul care este aratat cu un deget grosier apartinand unei brute). Dar adevarul este ca un paianjen mic, care nu fusese invitat sa se legene pe panza cu confratii sai, s-a strecurat noaptea in patul meu, mi-a taiat pielea si mi-a ascuns in inima o mingiuta mica cu tepi de metal pe suprafata-i lucioasa, care se umfla din cand in cand cu melancolie.
They break as easily as...tea cups
I will say it straight. I've been fed lies and illusions. Years of looking into some eyes, I fooled myself the look they sometimes gave me didn't mean what it actually meant. This is the tragedy when you know someone so closely, yet you choose denial when things go wrong.
Was it merely a dream? a good dream? the best dream of my life? it was the thing that kept me going as I was laying on my cross.
No matter what I did, and how I tried to be there when was all for nothing. It passed, and it cracked the wind cracking some dried up twigs. There is evidence that it wasn't a dream. It was the greatest fuckup of my life, painted in purple.
Still, it must not matter so much, if it would birds would shut their voices, and clouds would remain still, tears would not wash graves no more and the wind would not play in my hair spreading somebody else's scent around me and behind me as I walk alone in a hot, quelled, cotton-mouth day.
I find myself in the same state again: my tears crystalised and damn! they brake as easily as a porcelain tea cup. I try squeezing them out, but the shards get stuck in my eyes. Yet not even blood won't come out.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Festivalul Axis Libri
Festivalul Axis Libri s-a desfasurat ca pe roate, daca nu punem la socoteala decalajele datorate ploii.
Totusi, ultimele trei zile vremea a fost numai buna pentru lecturari in aer liber.
Am avut ocazia sa fiu ascultata de "greii greilor" in ceea ce priveste literatura, iar aplauzele lor mi-au mers la suflet. Am strans mana unor personalitati culturale, multumita sponsorului meu : domnul Valentin Ajder, manager al editurii Eikon.
Este destul de usor sa castigi aprecierea publicului tanar, dar nu m-am asteptat sa castig aprecierea "veteranilor".
Filmarea de la eveniment o gasiti mai jos. Din pacate, am ramas fara baterie la jumatatea prezentarii, dar veti putea gasi in mod sigur poze sau alte articole pe plaiurile nemarginitului si mult apreciatului internet.
Cu aceasta ocazie, din "stashul" de materiale proprii am lecturat lucrarea: Despre elfi(o gasiti pe blog), care din pacate nu se afla saracuta in filmare din motivul anterior mentionat.
Ce altceva mai pot spune in afara de...vizionare placuta!
(da, eu sunt cea cu parul mov)
Totusi, ultimele trei zile vremea a fost numai buna pentru lecturari in aer liber.
Am avut ocazia sa fiu ascultata de "greii greilor" in ceea ce priveste literatura, iar aplauzele lor mi-au mers la suflet. Am strans mana unor personalitati culturale, multumita sponsorului meu : domnul Valentin Ajder, manager al editurii Eikon.
Este destul de usor sa castigi aprecierea publicului tanar, dar nu m-am asteptat sa castig aprecierea "veteranilor".
Filmarea de la eveniment o gasiti mai jos. Din pacate, am ramas fara baterie la jumatatea prezentarii, dar veti putea gasi in mod sigur poze sau alte articole pe plaiurile nemarginitului si mult apreciatului internet.
Cu aceasta ocazie, din "stashul" de materiale proprii am lecturat lucrarea: Despre elfi(o gasiti pe blog), care din pacate nu se afla saracuta in filmare din motivul anterior mentionat.
Ce altceva mai pot spune in afara de...vizionare placuta!
(da, eu sunt cea cu parul mov)
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Erau personajele unui roman neterminat .
El respira durere ,
Ea il imortalizase in caietul de franceza .
Nevazuta , nestiuna ,
Doar ea mergea cu dragoste pe urmele lui ,
Melancolizand iarna…
Ultima pagina a cartii a fost acoperita de coperta veche.
S-a terminat la fel cum a inceput: cu o obsesie.
Totusi, imi place sa-i mai rasfoiesc din cand in cand paginile...
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Axis Libri
Axis Libri is a festival dedicated to literature in the small town I currently live in.
My editor invited me to hold a speech and read a bit of my work so far.
The event is going to take place between 22-26 this month.
All my readers are welcome :) for those of you who won't be able to make it but are interested, the event will be taped and I will post my part of the footage.
Also, I don't want to get your hopes up, but there might be an exhibition of my drawings and paintings this summer. I repeat: might be!
As soon as everything will be cleared out, I will let you know.
'Till next time, enjoy my stories, and wish me luck if you will ;)
My editor invited me to hold a speech and read a bit of my work so far.
The event is going to take place between 22-26 this month.
All my readers are welcome :) for those of you who won't be able to make it but are interested, the event will be taped and I will post my part of the footage.
Also, I don't want to get your hopes up, but there might be an exhibition of my drawings and paintings this summer. I repeat: might be!
As soon as everything will be cleared out, I will let you know.
'Till next time, enjoy my stories, and wish me luck if you will ;)
Friday, April 26, 2013
Hide thy scars
Some scars we can hide. Some we cannot, no matter how hard we try. They can be seen in our eyes, in the way we walk, in the way our spirit seems to lay heavy onto our bodies. Some of them can be seen on our skin or in the way we respond to what happens to us in daily life.
The past makes us who we are. Not only our past...our ancestors past is within us. Not many feel bonded with their own history, they were born without wings...
The future is what we make it today...the future was decided that moment when you caved into one's smile, into the perfect moment that reaps your mind obsessively, in that second that you wish you would have kept warm frozen time, so that you can forever gaze into those eyes that gently rape your soul.
It is not hard to believe, our hearts are truly meant to be broken time after time until old age or the quick twist of a long sharp blade.
Until next time...think of what you lost, and let just one tear cut open your soul while streaming down your face.
The past makes us who we are. Not only our past...our ancestors past is within us. Not many feel bonded with their own history, they were born without wings...
The future is what we make it today...the future was decided that moment when you caved into one's smile, into the perfect moment that reaps your mind obsessively, in that second that you wish you would have kept warm frozen time, so that you can forever gaze into those eyes that gently rape your soul.
It is not hard to believe, our hearts are truly meant to be broken time after time until old age or the quick twist of a long sharp blade.
Until next time...think of what you lost, and let just one tear cut open your soul while streaming down your face.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Oh happy day!
When Jesus walked? Nah!
Happy day for me because my talent in drawing and painting was recognized.
The Gothic Culture group on Facebook shared one of my drawings , "Silent Evangeline", to be more specific.
I feel I am on the right path, and slowly but surely, I will get where I want to go.
Thanks a million time guys...and I thank all my readers. I appreciate your support.
Happy day for me because my talent in drawing and painting was recognized.
The Gothic Culture group on Facebook shared one of my drawings , "Silent Evangeline", to be more specific.
I feel I am on the right path, and slowly but surely, I will get where I want to go.
Thanks a million time guys...and I thank all my readers. I appreciate your support.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
A fi Tristete
Ironic imi pare acum gustul agoniei. Mai conteaza inca un apus gadilat de perdeaua transparenta a camerei in care zac? Izolare...echivalentul unei injectii cu mercur.
Dincolo de usa se aud rasete...rasete infundate, ca si cum s-ar ineca cu rasuflarea mortii. Rasete de oameni nebuni care - de ce sa mint - ma lasa rece. Ma uit pe la colturi sperand ca voi gasi vreun gand...dar nu e nimic acolo in afara de senzatia (omniprezenta) care imi ofera un continuu salt in trecut. Ca si cum mi-ar fi fost ingaduit sa ma plimb intr-un deset sub soarele arzator. Sa ma plimb dupa placul meu si sa caut prin marea de clipe ce au caut neincetat pana le gasesc pe cele ce-mi lipsesc. Si dupa ce-am ratacit prin desertul diurn al bolnavei ratiuni umane, m-am gasit pe mine. Naiva si stupida in adevaratul sens al cuvantului. Demna de admiratie.
Doar acum, impiedicandu-ma de o insignifianta piatra, realizez greata care m-a cuprins.
As putea spune ca pana sa ajung a descoperi ca sunt Tristete, nu mi-am dat seama de adoratia mea eterna pentru Singuratate si de acea misterioasa, mistica zvacnire din interiorul meu al carei nume nu l-am putut descifra decat ca fiind Iubire Suferinda.
Dragostea mea, doar tu esti dincolo de clipe, mai presus de astralul spiritului meu. In eterna durere adanc ingropata in intunecimea mea. Materiala? Probabil. Acesta este un fapt asupra caruia certitudinea nu va reusi sa-si odihneasca in veci aripile obosite.
Ma privesti pasind ritmic, in ton cu negrul vestimentatiei...e greu sa fii aici? dupa fiecare colt...urmarindu-mi pasii asa cum la randul meu si eu am urmarit un alt suflet ars? E greu sa accepti suferinta si sa ii oferi un loc in spiritul tau, dar cu cat iti dai mai repede seama ca nu te va parasi niciodata, cu atat va fi mai bine pentru tine. Ea este aceea ce nu te va parasi niciodata, aceea ce te va imbratisa in noptile reci dar si in noptile calde. Ea va fi acolo zambindu-ti parsiv cand vei cauta samanta fericirii si o va ascunde de tine mereu...
Liniste absoluta printre oameni si masini. O clipa eterna...un concept de care deja m-am plictisit,
Liniste absoluta... vreau sa imi aud soaptele, bataile inimii tacute...oare bate intr-adevar? Dar uite cum zambesc in societate! ha! nu ai putea nicicand ghici ce se ascunde sub pielea mea, sub privirea mea care pare sa spuna :"salut! sunt draguta si prietenoasa si as pune oricand problemele tale inaintea problemelor mele". Nu ca nu ar fi adevarat...dar ai putea citi printre aceste randuri? Nu o pot spune mai clar de atat.
Nu am pentru cine sa zambesc. Scopul meu este unul precis. Acela de a fi Suferinta. Frumoasa si trista ca un ultim adio intr-o seara de toamna...
Pasesc ritmic in ton cu muzica. Pasesc pe strada ciobita de amintiri si lacrimi de demult infloresc din nou. Dar nu ma plictisi iarasi cu intrebarea :"ce mai faci?", traiesc mai mult decat tine si cu siguranta traiesc mai intens ca tine.
Iarta-ma si iarta-mi mersul ritmic in ton cu severitatea prezentului.
Nimeni nu-mi aude pasii...Nici macar eu.Singurul lucru care imi poate dovedi ca exist sunt bataile inimii.
Am doar doua optiuni : sa iubesc totul sau sa iubesc nimic! daca ar fi sa iubesc totul as suferi mai mult si in insemna ca trebuie sa te iubesc si pe tine iar tu ma dezgusti. Deja sunt o sinucigasa, nu am de ce sa ma tem. Suferinta nu va disparea...iar eu nu pot iubi si NU POT IERTA.
Mai crede cineva in Suferinta in afara de mine? crede in va fi deajuns. Nu va disparea.
Nu isi permite sa se autodistruga la incipitul acestei lumi, printre crapaturile ei moartea poate fi descoperita, mai ales cand individul este zavorat intr-o sfera de intuneric.
Cand ceilalti dorm...cand ceilalti se fut si beau...aceasta fata se cauta pe sine in sfera de intuneric in care a fost inchisa, damnata intru eternitate la aceasta soarta.
Dar eu sunt Tristete, singura intr-o strada aglomerata, zgariind cu amorteala apusul si sperand ca cineva ma poate vedea dincolo de zidul ce ma urmeaza oriunde ma duc.
Tristetea zambeste ironic uneori cand sta singura pe o banca. Totul este previzibil. Totul. Dar in naivitatea mea am sperat in oameni...
El ii ofera o floare, ea il va rani curand.
El nu ii ofera flori, ea vrea sa il ajute dar el o va calca in picioare.
Tristetea vede dincolo de minciuna unui zambet dulce. In orice gest frumos se ascunde o amareala...dar uneori...nesimtirea nu mai ascunde amareala si o da pe fata ca la jocurile de carti. Iar Tristetea stie asta. Tristetea este si Singuratate si Suferinta. De aceea paseste ritmic - privind asfaltul manjit de lacrimi - in ton cu hainele negre, in ton cu muzica linistii absolute. Suferinta nu spera. E greu, dar frumos sa fii Tristete. Un privilegiu..
Frumoasa si singura...domnita in negru inaccesibila muritorilor, priveste ironic prostimea si rade in sinea ei.
Dincolo de usa se aud rasete...rasete infundate, ca si cum s-ar ineca cu rasuflarea mortii. Rasete de oameni nebuni care - de ce sa mint - ma lasa rece. Ma uit pe la colturi sperand ca voi gasi vreun gand...dar nu e nimic acolo in afara de senzatia (omniprezenta) care imi ofera un continuu salt in trecut. Ca si cum mi-ar fi fost ingaduit sa ma plimb intr-un deset sub soarele arzator. Sa ma plimb dupa placul meu si sa caut prin marea de clipe ce au caut neincetat pana le gasesc pe cele ce-mi lipsesc. Si dupa ce-am ratacit prin desertul diurn al bolnavei ratiuni umane, m-am gasit pe mine. Naiva si stupida in adevaratul sens al cuvantului. Demna de admiratie.
Doar acum, impiedicandu-ma de o insignifianta piatra, realizez greata care m-a cuprins.
As putea spune ca pana sa ajung a descoperi ca sunt Tristete, nu mi-am dat seama de adoratia mea eterna pentru Singuratate si de acea misterioasa, mistica zvacnire din interiorul meu al carei nume nu l-am putut descifra decat ca fiind Iubire Suferinda.
Dragostea mea, doar tu esti dincolo de clipe, mai presus de astralul spiritului meu. In eterna durere adanc ingropata in intunecimea mea. Materiala? Probabil. Acesta este un fapt asupra caruia certitudinea nu va reusi sa-si odihneasca in veci aripile obosite.
Ma privesti pasind ritmic, in ton cu negrul vestimentatiei...e greu sa fii aici? dupa fiecare colt...urmarindu-mi pasii asa cum la randul meu si eu am urmarit un alt suflet ars? E greu sa accepti suferinta si sa ii oferi un loc in spiritul tau, dar cu cat iti dai mai repede seama ca nu te va parasi niciodata, cu atat va fi mai bine pentru tine. Ea este aceea ce nu te va parasi niciodata, aceea ce te va imbratisa in noptile reci dar si in noptile calde. Ea va fi acolo zambindu-ti parsiv cand vei cauta samanta fericirii si o va ascunde de tine mereu...
Liniste absoluta printre oameni si masini. O clipa eterna...un concept de care deja m-am plictisit,
Liniste absoluta... vreau sa imi aud soaptele, bataile inimii tacute...oare bate intr-adevar? Dar uite cum zambesc in societate! ha! nu ai putea nicicand ghici ce se ascunde sub pielea mea, sub privirea mea care pare sa spuna :"salut! sunt draguta si prietenoasa si as pune oricand problemele tale inaintea problemelor mele". Nu ca nu ar fi adevarat...dar ai putea citi printre aceste randuri? Nu o pot spune mai clar de atat.
Nu am pentru cine sa zambesc. Scopul meu este unul precis. Acela de a fi Suferinta. Frumoasa si trista ca un ultim adio intr-o seara de toamna...
Pasesc ritmic in ton cu muzica. Pasesc pe strada ciobita de amintiri si lacrimi de demult infloresc din nou. Dar nu ma plictisi iarasi cu intrebarea :"ce mai faci?", traiesc mai mult decat tine si cu siguranta traiesc mai intens ca tine.
Iarta-ma si iarta-mi mersul ritmic in ton cu severitatea prezentului.
Nimeni nu-mi aude pasii...Nici macar eu.Singurul lucru care imi poate dovedi ca exist sunt bataile inimii.
Am doar doua optiuni : sa iubesc totul sau sa iubesc nimic! daca ar fi sa iubesc totul as suferi mai mult si in insemna ca trebuie sa te iubesc si pe tine iar tu ma dezgusti. Deja sunt o sinucigasa, nu am de ce sa ma tem. Suferinta nu va disparea...iar eu nu pot iubi si NU POT IERTA.
Mai crede cineva in Suferinta in afara de mine? crede in va fi deajuns. Nu va disparea.
Nu isi permite sa se autodistruga la incipitul acestei lumi, printre crapaturile ei moartea poate fi descoperita, mai ales cand individul este zavorat intr-o sfera de intuneric.
Cand ceilalti dorm...cand ceilalti se fut si beau...aceasta fata se cauta pe sine in sfera de intuneric in care a fost inchisa, damnata intru eternitate la aceasta soarta.
Dar eu sunt Tristete, singura intr-o strada aglomerata, zgariind cu amorteala apusul si sperand ca cineva ma poate vedea dincolo de zidul ce ma urmeaza oriunde ma duc.
Tristetea zambeste ironic uneori cand sta singura pe o banca. Totul este previzibil. Totul. Dar in naivitatea mea am sperat in oameni...
El ii ofera o floare, ea il va rani curand.
El nu ii ofera flori, ea vrea sa il ajute dar el o va calca in picioare.
Tristetea vede dincolo de minciuna unui zambet dulce. In orice gest frumos se ascunde o amareala...dar uneori...nesimtirea nu mai ascunde amareala si o da pe fata ca la jocurile de carti. Iar Tristetea stie asta. Tristetea este si Singuratate si Suferinta. De aceea paseste ritmic - privind asfaltul manjit de lacrimi - in ton cu hainele negre, in ton cu muzica linistii absolute. Suferinta nu spera. E greu, dar frumos sa fii Tristete. Un privilegiu..
Frumoasa si singura...domnita in negru inaccesibila muritorilor, priveste ironic prostimea si rade in sinea ei.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Open eyes
Diazepam is my new best friend. makes me feel loose and chill...makes me forget what I did last night, makes me feel all relaxed and desirable when alone in between the sheets. I snuggle myself in my own warmth under my My blanket is pink...all my blankets were pink. Except for one. That one was red. And many tears have filled it, and how many orgasms I sweated in it, and how many opium dreams I have had under it's protective warmth. All my adolescence was in drunken nights, my withdrawals, my hopes, my happy dreams and nightmares...everything.
But that blanket was probably set on fire. I wouldn't want it anyway...contaminated with something else but my Golden Age.
I will find a new trinket to fill with my energies. My new energies, my strong self.
I like my new universe. Filled with pixels, poems, drawings, best friend beside me, we're out at night doing our best to troll people. In every way possible. Fucking up their routers, their accounts, their cables or cars. Loads of fun lay in the dark.
We mostly walk the same old streets but somehow, they seem new to me every time.
"Shall we get a coffee?"
"Sure, my love."
We laugh and dance and we're higher than ever. Our voices rise in the night scaring the living shit out of cats or passers by.
Hackers? A major threat. LOL.
The art of orgasming is not in sex, but in the scene, the air, the feeling, the touch. The kiss.
Sun shines over our faces much too soon.
It's time to go back inside and sleep, for a new night awaits...
But that blanket was probably set on fire. I wouldn't want it anyway...contaminated with something else but my Golden Age.
I will find a new trinket to fill with my energies. My new energies, my strong self.
I like my new universe. Filled with pixels, poems, drawings, best friend beside me, we're out at night doing our best to troll people. In every way possible. Fucking up their routers, their accounts, their cables or cars. Loads of fun lay in the dark.
We mostly walk the same old streets but somehow, they seem new to me every time.
"Shall we get a coffee?"
"Sure, my love."
We laugh and dance and we're higher than ever. Our voices rise in the night scaring the living shit out of cats or passers by.
Hackers? A major threat. LOL.
The art of orgasming is not in sex, but in the scene, the air, the feeling, the touch. The kiss.
Sun shines over our faces much too soon.
It's time to go back inside and sleep, for a new night awaits...
What is it with you?!
As all my days have passed,
You're never here
You'll never last.
And as your tears all dry away
I know you won't heal me today..
But i know...there is something in the dark,
something lurking, sneaking,
lusting for your soul..
All the memories of me
Burning in the flame you set for me.
It's on your head
It's on your hands
No rain could wash
The scars that I had left
In your skin as I struggled
to brake free !
Now this poem has no rhyme, has no feeling and no shame
But what it has is something that you'll never see.
You're never here
You'll never last.
And as your tears all dry away
I know you won't heal me today..
But i know...there is something in the dark,
something lurking, sneaking,
lusting for your soul..
All the memories of me
Burning in the flame you set for me.
It's on your head
It's on your hands
No rain could wash
The scars that I had left
In your skin as I struggled
to brake free !
Now this poem has no rhyme, has no feeling and no shame
But what it has is something that you'll never see.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Patient: Lady Eloise
Age: 20
Sex: female
Religion: orthodox, we suppose
Form of insanity: depression
This form of madness is a pretty simple one, and I will do the honor of explaining it in a few words.
Depression, otherwise known as melancholia. The patient is a 20 year old female.In this case, the cause of this affliction is unknown, but the patient was telling us something about the sad stories, sights and words that have haunted her since childhood.
Is she dangerous to others? Of course yes, what person stricken by dementia isn't?
Harmful behavior? She went out in the middle of the might inappropriately dressed, attempting to commit suicide. She might also be a cleptomaniac, or in other words, a thief.
Her ideas of beauty are completely deranged, almost grotesque. Patient seems fascinated by silver, black clothing and excentric hair colors.
We suppose that this affection is due to the fact that she did not accept the reality as it is, her idealism pushed her towards depression and suicidal behavior.
Highly intelligent, ability to improvise, we advise the personnel to manage her with great care and attention.
Probe A: suicide note
"I won't say I am sorry for what I am about to do, for there is nothing for you to gain when I lose it.
To my friends, that I did not manage to keep for I have slayed them all when they fell, I say only this : I love the part of you that hates me, and you may also go to bloody hell!
In my dreams, my lover loves me, but you all wanted to open my eyes to your miserable reality, maybe because you couldn't stand to see my happiness and lay still in your pot of boiling feces and blood.
So you dragged me in with you and now I must ask myself, are you really my friends? I know, I myself judge your every mistake, but I am the one that loves you most and I know your humanity therefore, I will not offer you my love, for you will destroy it, as you destroyed me.
Was my mother a lady or a whore? Well, I suppose the difference is barely noticeable. A lady is, I suppose, a woman that doesn't sell herself as cheap as a whore. A lady must be provided with jewelery, beautiful clothing, care, and maids. A whore is selling herself only to provide for her family. Also, with exclusivity comes class and thus a higher price for your beautiful rose.
Was my father a good man? well, that depends. One may be good to some, and cruel to others. But when I was gone, father was merely evil, not cruel, for he had no one to pour his poison upon, or spread her young legs and then locking her in an empty room.
As my faith ceased to exist, I started wondering, what would be the use of carrying on with this mascarade? Well, it would be none. Except I forgot one huge aspect: I might be considered insane.
Therefore, my decision has been made. Death is only a dream, and life just an illusion, and a terribly good one. We could not find the meaning of it living it but by observing others living it, that is how we could determine - in a non subjective way - what the meaning would be. The essence however, we could not discover it by pealing off the layers of what is real just as we were to peel an onion. Or could we? Why can't there be a little seed at the core of life, just as we find these seeds at the core of cherries, or peaches, or apples?
Since all of you left me, I made my own friends, and their voices never leave me, and they cry me to sleep, every night. I wasn't able to find a way of shutting them up, and in any case, they are so damn stubborn that even when I will be dead they won't be silent.
All this being said, to bloody hell with all of you."
In that very night, she was caught by authorities and handed in to the asylum. It seems that this spoiled child is the one who will benefit from the latest treatments for insanity. And if they won't work, we will defeat the child's stubbornness with the classic treatments: leaches, electroshock, nails in the skull before going to bed - to prevent nightmares - lobotomy in the worst of cases will make the patient docile and easier to work with.
"They won't come for you, child. They are the ones who brought you here, you are a menace to society therefore your place is in this cell. As you can see, we actually made the effort to provide you with a bed and a room that you are not to split with anyone else. More than that, you should be grateful to be the first one to be the subject of the new treatment! Do you have any idea what an honor you have been given, only god knows why?"
"Ma'am, I came with you silently with the hope that.."
"That what? that you will be let go? Oh, won't go anywhere. Not until you are better, and we both know that won't be soon, not with that attitude"
Rats...subject to experiments...the ones who get away are eaten by cats. Same for the inmates, subject to experiments, but eaten by their own madness at the same time. It's not as harmful for one's mind to be subject to disease, as it is for him to know he is living in a dream world. Think of it as if you were to have a leach on your skin: if you don't know you have it, you don't feel anything, but as soon as you see it, pain will settle in quickly. All sensation is in the brain, but if you dare to feel differently, we will institutionalize you and torture you 'till the break of day.
Age: 20
Sex: female
Religion: orthodox, we suppose
Form of insanity: depression
This form of madness is a pretty simple one, and I will do the honor of explaining it in a few words.
Depression, otherwise known as melancholia. The patient is a 20 year old female.In this case, the cause of this affliction is unknown, but the patient was telling us something about the sad stories, sights and words that have haunted her since childhood.
Is she dangerous to others? Of course yes, what person stricken by dementia isn't?
Harmful behavior? She went out in the middle of the might inappropriately dressed, attempting to commit suicide. She might also be a cleptomaniac, or in other words, a thief.
Her ideas of beauty are completely deranged, almost grotesque. Patient seems fascinated by silver, black clothing and excentric hair colors.
We suppose that this affection is due to the fact that she did not accept the reality as it is, her idealism pushed her towards depression and suicidal behavior.
Highly intelligent, ability to improvise, we advise the personnel to manage her with great care and attention.
Probe A: suicide note
"I won't say I am sorry for what I am about to do, for there is nothing for you to gain when I lose it.
To my friends, that I did not manage to keep for I have slayed them all when they fell, I say only this : I love the part of you that hates me, and you may also go to bloody hell!
In my dreams, my lover loves me, but you all wanted to open my eyes to your miserable reality, maybe because you couldn't stand to see my happiness and lay still in your pot of boiling feces and blood.
So you dragged me in with you and now I must ask myself, are you really my friends? I know, I myself judge your every mistake, but I am the one that loves you most and I know your humanity therefore, I will not offer you my love, for you will destroy it, as you destroyed me.
Was my mother a lady or a whore? Well, I suppose the difference is barely noticeable. A lady is, I suppose, a woman that doesn't sell herself as cheap as a whore. A lady must be provided with jewelery, beautiful clothing, care, and maids. A whore is selling herself only to provide for her family. Also, with exclusivity comes class and thus a higher price for your beautiful rose.
Was my father a good man? well, that depends. One may be good to some, and cruel to others. But when I was gone, father was merely evil, not cruel, for he had no one to pour his poison upon, or spread her young legs and then locking her in an empty room.
As my faith ceased to exist, I started wondering, what would be the use of carrying on with this mascarade? Well, it would be none. Except I forgot one huge aspect: I might be considered insane.
Therefore, my decision has been made. Death is only a dream, and life just an illusion, and a terribly good one. We could not find the meaning of it living it but by observing others living it, that is how we could determine - in a non subjective way - what the meaning would be. The essence however, we could not discover it by pealing off the layers of what is real just as we were to peel an onion. Or could we? Why can't there be a little seed at the core of life, just as we find these seeds at the core of cherries, or peaches, or apples?
Since all of you left me, I made my own friends, and their voices never leave me, and they cry me to sleep, every night. I wasn't able to find a way of shutting them up, and in any case, they are so damn stubborn that even when I will be dead they won't be silent.
All this being said, to bloody hell with all of you."
In that very night, she was caught by authorities and handed in to the asylum. It seems that this spoiled child is the one who will benefit from the latest treatments for insanity. And if they won't work, we will defeat the child's stubbornness with the classic treatments: leaches, electroshock, nails in the skull before going to bed - to prevent nightmares - lobotomy in the worst of cases will make the patient docile and easier to work with.
"They won't come for you, child. They are the ones who brought you here, you are a menace to society therefore your place is in this cell. As you can see, we actually made the effort to provide you with a bed and a room that you are not to split with anyone else. More than that, you should be grateful to be the first one to be the subject of the new treatment! Do you have any idea what an honor you have been given, only god knows why?"
"Ma'am, I came with you silently with the hope that.."
"That what? that you will be let go? Oh, won't go anywhere. Not until you are better, and we both know that won't be soon, not with that attitude"
Rats...subject to experiments...the ones who get away are eaten by cats. Same for the inmates, subject to experiments, but eaten by their own madness at the same time. It's not as harmful for one's mind to be subject to disease, as it is for him to know he is living in a dream world. Think of it as if you were to have a leach on your skin: if you don't know you have it, you don't feel anything, but as soon as you see it, pain will settle in quickly. All sensation is in the brain, but if you dare to feel differently, we will institutionalize you and torture you 'till the break of day.
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
The pure kiss
Evangeline kissing Elise. A warm embrace that is beyond time or experience.
What can be more delightful than being at peace with your own mind?
Only death...a silenced soul of a wounded body.
This is a true friendship, and this kiss is meant to show love, not sexuality. Pure love, that can look beyond the grave and see eternity.
Till next time...make sure pain will cover your smile in darkened feathers...
What can be more delightful than being at peace with your own mind?
Only death...a silenced soul of a wounded body.
This is a true friendship, and this kiss is meant to show love, not sexuality. Pure love, that can look beyond the grave and see eternity.
Till next time...make sure pain will cover your smile in darkened feathers...
If they weren't yours
So it was that I was gone that summer morning
And I knew it was forever,
Warmth spread beyond my body into my heart
My misery went away,
And into someone else's heart.
Never will I find a friend
A vivid composer, a lover
To deserve my sweet damnation.
Why should one be alone in his suffering?
He would do his best to spread it everywhere
Around him, and in everyone
Who would dare to look beyond his eyes.
If you'd ever want to hurt
The one who placed his heart
In your trembling hands,
Gave you the dagger
And let you make the decision
Of killing him or setting him free,
You just use your selfishness.
You might watch him die,
And crawl at your feet, begging
And you will laugh
But he will cry
Now and forever.
"You filthy dog! it's what you are!
How dare you leave me,
When I was the one who will ever deserve
To share your bed and bend your heart!
Where hath the love from your eyes gone?
Was I not the one who never deceived you?
Was I not the one who has tasted your blood and shed tears?"
Feeding from my suffering, my pain, my dreams
Life had left my body
Leaving me in front of an empty mirror reflection
Of my former self.
"But you will never leave me, will you?"
"Never! My blood is yours, as are these veins,
And my heart, my dreams, my tainted sad poems,
These scars...would you have kissed them if they weren't yours?"
And I knew it was forever,
Warmth spread beyond my body into my heart
My misery went away,
And into someone else's heart.
Never will I find a friend
A vivid composer, a lover
To deserve my sweet damnation.
Why should one be alone in his suffering?
He would do his best to spread it everywhere
Around him, and in everyone
Who would dare to look beyond his eyes.
If you'd ever want to hurt
The one who placed his heart
In your trembling hands,
Gave you the dagger
And let you make the decision
Of killing him or setting him free,
You just use your selfishness.
You might watch him die,
And crawl at your feet, begging
And you will laugh
But he will cry
Now and forever.
"You filthy dog! it's what you are!
How dare you leave me,
When I was the one who will ever deserve
To share your bed and bend your heart!
Where hath the love from your eyes gone?
Was I not the one who never deceived you?
Was I not the one who has tasted your blood and shed tears?"
Feeding from my suffering, my pain, my dreams
Life had left my body
Leaving me in front of an empty mirror reflection
Of my former self.
"But you will never leave me, will you?"
"Never! My blood is yours, as are these veins,
And my heart, my dreams, my tainted sad poems,
These scars...would you have kissed them if they weren't yours?"
Shivers through the spine
Loneliness can be a quality companion in those rainy days. There is no where else i would rather be, but here, in my empty apartment. Now and then, i cannot but wonder what makes me so special as to deserve his touch? What makes me the object of his desires? we do what we please, and most of the times, he would just lay in my warm embrace. My sweet rosey breath on his lips, his forehead, his eyes. Limbs entwined, we become one. The supreme being, with golden skin and perfumed spirit. A sepulchral sonata would caress the moonlight as we dance our way to eternity, to eden, towards our most inner heaven painted in the sweet sound of the viola. Tears ran dry, no more will they stream down our pale faces towards our lips, pain will no longer deconstruct our spirits, sorrow would crack beneath our eternity. When all eyes are closed, mind is not asleep and in the darkness of the night our skin shines in our embrace of pure pleasure. When all sound lay still, my moans would cut the night open, and our love will be revealed to the world.
He pulled my hair back looking me straight in the eyes. He caressed my lips with his fingers, and I kissed them, with the same passion I would kiss his lips.
There is no way to express how happy it makes me not to need to lose faith in him, not to suffer because of him...I am ready to take his days in by heart, his nights, his tears, his gentleness, his face, his smell, his tragic destiny. He is here, still I am longing for him in my heart. How could he give me more of him? Everything he does, he does for me.
He leaned over me, softly touching my cheek with his nose, smelling my perfume...
He kissed my neck gently as my look would rose towards the cloudy sky. His fingers would run slowly towards my chest, I sigh as my spirit and my hole body would resonate with what he does to me...
His fingers run up and down on my skin, slowly and gently, like the summer night's wind.
"Close your eyes..."
I trust him completely, and close my eyes.
How could I let go of him? I would not even try resisting, there is no use...he will never leave me, never take my love to crush it, never will he take my heart and stomp it.
His hands touch my thighs, as he would kiss me with most passion I had ever seen.
My heart beats faster, my soul cries, my lips crave for one more kiss, my dreams shatter in front of this perfect moment.
He picked up a rose petal and played with it on my skin, my curves...make him go insane with desire. He kisses me, his embrace is the safest I've ever felt. No fire can touch me here, for I am his. His lips spread wet soft kisses on my neck...on my chest, by breasts...I breath heavily, his lips touch me lower on my abdomen, his hands constrict mine. He got me craving for more, he got me wanting, he got me hooked, he got me burning!
I would touch his hair...his scent would shiver down my spine and make me moan softly, in this delightful, sinful moment.
His tongue made me explode with pleasure, to him I am a goddess to be worshiped, I am a rose in need if water, an angel in need of wings...and then...he gave me wings, and I took him away with me. We got closer to heaven and we knew, in the morning this sin would be forgiven. Every night we have is the last one we might have, and every sunrise washes away our tears. We are safe from the tender touch of pain, from the flame that leads souls astray, from the sorrow that gently rapes our frozen corpses.
My sacred, secret dream came true, and it just wont fade away.
Every tear I tasted, every regret that just doesn't seem to be enough for me, every life I destroyed after my heart got broken, they don't matter anymore. Love is a demon, asking for sacrifices but after being tortured night and day for more than ten years...after all the blood my wounds have shed, and the tears that I lost, after being destroyed for those that deserve not to breathe, the chains around my heart have been broken. This fortress of fears, built strong, has been shattered, my fall in eternal darkness was stopped, and he is my savior. He helped me rebuild my sanctuary and I will repay him with my love, my passion, my unending desire, my skin upon his skin.
I will let you fall within, I will let you feel my warmth, I will welcome you inside me...and let you melt, I will save your soul, with cruelty and tenderness embraced.
And the night took us away, the rain washed our bodies, our wounds were healed by this dark, my truth was buried in his burning arms.
He pulled my hair back looking me straight in the eyes. He caressed my lips with his fingers, and I kissed them, with the same passion I would kiss his lips.
There is no way to express how happy it makes me not to need to lose faith in him, not to suffer because of him...I am ready to take his days in by heart, his nights, his tears, his gentleness, his face, his smell, his tragic destiny. He is here, still I am longing for him in my heart. How could he give me more of him? Everything he does, he does for me.
He leaned over me, softly touching my cheek with his nose, smelling my perfume...
He kissed my neck gently as my look would rose towards the cloudy sky. His fingers would run slowly towards my chest, I sigh as my spirit and my hole body would resonate with what he does to me...
His fingers run up and down on my skin, slowly and gently, like the summer night's wind.
"Close your eyes..."
I trust him completely, and close my eyes.
How could I let go of him? I would not even try resisting, there is no use...he will never leave me, never take my love to crush it, never will he take my heart and stomp it.
His hands touch my thighs, as he would kiss me with most passion I had ever seen.
My heart beats faster, my soul cries, my lips crave for one more kiss, my dreams shatter in front of this perfect moment.
He picked up a rose petal and played with it on my skin, my curves...make him go insane with desire. He kisses me, his embrace is the safest I've ever felt. No fire can touch me here, for I am his. His lips spread wet soft kisses on my neck...on my chest, by breasts...I breath heavily, his lips touch me lower on my abdomen, his hands constrict mine. He got me craving for more, he got me wanting, he got me hooked, he got me burning!
I would touch his hair...his scent would shiver down my spine and make me moan softly, in this delightful, sinful moment.
His tongue made me explode with pleasure, to him I am a goddess to be worshiped, I am a rose in need if water, an angel in need of wings...and then...he gave me wings, and I took him away with me. We got closer to heaven and we knew, in the morning this sin would be forgiven. Every night we have is the last one we might have, and every sunrise washes away our tears. We are safe from the tender touch of pain, from the flame that leads souls astray, from the sorrow that gently rapes our frozen corpses.
My sacred, secret dream came true, and it just wont fade away.
Every tear I tasted, every regret that just doesn't seem to be enough for me, every life I destroyed after my heart got broken, they don't matter anymore. Love is a demon, asking for sacrifices but after being tortured night and day for more than ten years...after all the blood my wounds have shed, and the tears that I lost, after being destroyed for those that deserve not to breathe, the chains around my heart have been broken. This fortress of fears, built strong, has been shattered, my fall in eternal darkness was stopped, and he is my savior. He helped me rebuild my sanctuary and I will repay him with my love, my passion, my unending desire, my skin upon his skin.
I will let you fall within, I will let you feel my warmth, I will welcome you inside me...and let you melt, I will save your soul, with cruelty and tenderness embraced.
And the night took us away, the rain washed our bodies, our wounds were healed by this dark, my truth was buried in his burning arms.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
La stiri...din nou
Se pare ca ma iubeste presa... iata alta poezie care a ajuns la stiri :
Pentru cei ce nu se obosesc sa mai dea clic, am postat mai jos poemul cu pricina XD
Intr-o noapte lina , clara
In Galatiul imputit,
Gumpele in vant zburara
Descantand un parvenit.
Intr-o noapte lina , rece
Ma plimbam eu cu Mihai.
Inca nu batuse ceasul zece
Si tu deja te neprai.
Si mergeai asa pe strada,
Ca de Parkinson trasnit.
Ma priveai ca pe o prada
Cand in drum ne-am intalnit.
M-ai impins urat si tare-
Rupt in gura ce erai,
Si s-a-ntamplat o aratare...
Ti-am ranjit de sub tramvai!
Pentru cei ce nu se obosesc sa mai dea clic, am postat mai jos poemul cu pricina XD
Intr-o noapte lina , clara
In Galatiul imputit,
Gumpele in vant zburara
Descantand un parvenit.
Intr-o noapte lina , rece
Ma plimbam eu cu Mihai.
Inca nu batuse ceasul zece
Si tu deja te neprai.
Si mergeai asa pe strada,
Ca de Parkinson trasnit.
Ma priveai ca pe o prada
Cand in drum ne-am intalnit.
M-ai impins urat si tare-
Rupt in gura ce erai,
Si s-a-ntamplat o aratare...
Ti-am ranjit de sub tramvai!
Open wound
Millions of rainbows crush onto windows and bleed as they
hit themselves against the broken glass.
Shattered pieces of mirror and silver cut open their skin,
and all the color is pouring on our miserable lives!
All the life in them is slowly drifting away, never to
return again, and all the hope and magik of the world will suffer as my dying
heart, wounded and punctured, sewed shut again only to be cut open after a
while. I hear her cry, she begs crawling, arms folded on her skin as
if she was hugging herself for is no one there for her. All hope and faith is
wasted away, but still a glimpse of light appears in her big, innocent eyes
when I mention she might die. But she won't...there is no escape for her, she
was the sacrifice, meant to suffer. Love and affection will always evade her
desperate cries.
She too has felt men’s strange desires of life, but never
will she understand why they never think beyond life, beyond every object they
can see and feel and smell or taste. Has indeed every little piece of divine
died on us?
Maybe they are the ones that cut open the falling, dying
rainbows, and let them bleed onto the ground. Their blood maybe was spilled on
us as a punishment for every back that we stabbed, every innocence we took
away, every heart we’ve wounded with selfishness and indifference.
And she just lies on the floor, where she was stricken and
fell , there is where she will lay until all the voices will be silent., this brutal criminal has stricken
others too, but they were weak enough to commit suicide.
And in fact, why not? To close thy eyes, to feel the warm
hug and get buried within your dreams, never to see the sun again, or the smile
of the one you love. All they ever want is the comfort of love; must be why
most suicides are committed by lovers who cannot fulfill their love.
Love…terrible monster brought in this wretched place by
angels as punishment for our lack of faith. And even if we see it’s wicked eyes
and bloody smile, we still jump into it’s deadly grasp, blinded by it’s shine and perfection,
for it is the only touch of heaven that has remained.
This wretched race of mortals should suffer. But you see, self
purification through pain is just a myth. There is no dignity, no final forgiveness
to be offered. This is pure damnation, thrust upon men for their
foolishness. The only thing they can accomplish
with this insane pain is regaining the love of the close ones, or their pity. The best one can hope for in this
life is revenge, and the luck of being spared by the searing pain of the blade.
In the corner of her room, well protected by ribs and skin,
she looks herself in the mirror. All the scars on her skin, like parasites,
have decided to open themselves again and make their will over this weak body.
They will infect her skin and make the brain twist and turn in a soup of
nightmares, ill thoughts and tears until he will be able to take no more. As
the heart, the body will crawl on the floor in search of a darkened corner to
lay. Tears will stream on that pale face, arms will shake and shred the fair
skin on the chest and neck, the lips will then kiss those wounds and tears will
wash them.
Big glassy eyes will see the reflection in the mirror
without recognizing the damaged person laying beyond it. Reflections…they pass
like moments. My eyes, her eyes, our lips, our arms unfolding to reveal…wounds.
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